
adjective, describes something that is intended to be creative and/or thought-provoking, but is really just kind of unoriginal, pretentious, and stupid.
— urban dictionary


Banal: A Reflection on Creativity and Sincerity

Banal, a brand I began envisioning back in 2018 while immersed in my art studio crafting various pieces, has served as a constant presence in my creative journey. Initially conceived as a mere placeholder for the visual works I curate, the term "banal" encapsulates the delicate balance between aspiration and authenticity. In a world where countless artists and designers strive for originality, we often find ourselves treading the fine line between genuine innovation and falling into the trap of unoriginality and pretentiousness. As we seek to establish ourselves in the realm of art, we unknowingly engage in behaviors that may appear quirky or odd to the outside world, all in the pursuit of crafting our unique artistic identities. However, the harsh reality remains that our fervent aspirations for recognition and admiration often go unnoticed in the grand scheme of things. While we dream of captivating audiences and garnering a loyal following akin to our revered idols, the underlying truth emerges - "no one gives a shit about what we make." Amidst these conflicting emotions and aspirations, I am reminded of the fundamental element required for a brand or artwork to transcend mere existence and evolve into a cultural phenomenon: sincerity. True sincerity, I've come to realize, is not merely articulated through words, visuals, or thoughts but rather through genuine actions and unwavering dedication. Thus, as I persist in using Banal as both a logo and a representation of my creative endeavors, my ultimate goal remains rooted in sincerity and continued growth. I strive to uphold the ethos of authenticity and active engagement, allowing my work to speak volumes beyond the realm of banality.


In the very initial iterations of the logo, i opted to utilize two capital "a"s as the focal point, serving as an eye-catching icon that created a distinctly commercial vibe. the rounded rectangle banal logo. had it in tokyo blue to represent chillness. coolness.


slant logo was a second logo for banal. took banal and removed the two “a”s. create a blunt rounded text for bnl, merged it, and slanted it.




using banal as a placeholder / logo




banal gasoline is. an imaginary gas station in the near future. where petrol cars have subsidized in population and electric devices on wheels dominating automobile sales, gas stations has no longer become a necessary part in life. banal gasoline supplies gasoline for those who have strong desire and taste in life. fuck all the lame ass mass population. banal gas exists for the cool people who truly understands the texture of rides.

8 sticker samples for banal gasoline